The object of the exercise is to get away from the disciplined airways, and formal ATC chat of our normal Sunday/Monday sessions. We will for the most part avoid using the autopilot, NAV aids or ILS.
The next adventure is on:
Februari 5 2025 at 19:30 GMT / 20:30 CEST in Austria
The preferred aircraft is the beechcraft C90
TS Password “midweek#999”
(If you wish to contribute a plan – please forward it to )
Please let us ALL be careful when taxiing i.e. NO SLEWING. We want to make these adventures to be FUN but as realistic as possible – your cooperation is appreciated!
Even if we are unlucky with the weather we will attempt all landings – please declare your intentions before turning onto finals. Wait for all arrivals before heading out on the next leg. Formation flying is a distinct possibility – this is not a race so no points for arriving first. Just admire the beautiful scenery – and plan your landing strategy!
Click on the text above to download the flight plan details
With the weather set by the .rwx-file, you will need to call on all your flying skills.
The flight plan in .lnmpln-format is the standard for Littlenavmap,
The .fms-format is for the Garmin GPS and the FMS
Littlenavmap download: