How to put a flight plan in the GPS/FMS

MWA Flight plan in the Garmin GPS or the FMS

A X-Plane flight plan is of the .fms format. For every MWA the flight plan is, next to the Little Navmap format, also presented in the .fms format

The Garmin GPS

  • Save the .fms-file in X-plane11\Output\FMSplans-folder
  • Start Xplane
  • Start the aircraft of choice with a Garmin GPS
  • Open de Garmin GPS and enter this flight plan as follows:
    • Click on the GPS, this results in the display of the GPS in a separate window
    • Press FPL
    • Press inner ring (middle button, press at the side) of Push-CRSR-button that will show all the flight plans
    • Select the flight plan by pressing the inner ring left or right
    • Load the flight plan by pressing ENT

How to use the Garmin in a Youtube video:


  • Put the .fms-file in X-plane11\Output\FMSplans-folder
  • Start X-Plane
  • Start the commercial airliner of your choice
  • To enter the flight plan in the FMS
  • Click on the CDU (the FMS-screen) to display it in a separate window
    • Press RTE or FPLN (depending of the aircraft/FMS type)
    • Press ROUTE MENU
    • Press CO ROUTE LIST and select the correct flight plan
    • Press the little red button at the top left of the CDU to close the separate window

The flight plan will now be displayed on the MFD.